Please enter your resurrection spell.
My name is Satou Kazuma...
A foreigner from a distant land, fated to battle the Devil King.
Guided by a goddess of fate, I was reincarnated in another world...
An unfamiliar world swirling with destruction and chaos.
But I have allies that I share strong bonds with.
The ultimate wizard, a noble and beautiful knight,
and a magnanimous goddess who willingly came to my aid.
The gears of fate now begin to turn.
our adventure now begins once again!
You're coming with me!
Wait, no!
Episode 1 Give Me Deliverance From This Judicial Injustice!
I'm Sena, the public prosecutor assigned by the kingdom.
Adventurer Satou Kazuma,
you are currently suspected of the crime of subversion to the state.
Hey, Kazuma, what did you do this time?!
Come on, apologize!
I'll tell them I'm sorry, too, so hurry up and apologize!
What do you mean, "this time"?!
You should know I didn't do anything!
The coronatite that was teleported at your instruction
blew up the residence of a lord.
Thankfully, there were no fatalities...
But there is the question of whether you are a terrorist, or a servant of the Devil King.
Wait a minute, please.
If not for Kazuma, there could've been worse casualties in the Destroyer battle.
The only crimes Kazuma commits are minor ones, like sexual harassment.
Miss Prosecutor, this must be some mistake.
This man lacks the guts for such an act.
Despite eyeing me like a wild animal in the mansion,
he is the kind of sadsack who never once came to my bedside.
I-I-I wasn't eyeing anything!
Don't get a big head just because your body's somewhat sexy!
I reserve the right to be selective!
Wh-Why, you... And after everything you made me do in the bath!
That was because I was under that succubus's control!
You're the one who went along with it and washed my back!
Just how easy are you?!
Th-Then you do remember, after all!
And as a Crusader who serves Eris-sama, my body must remain pure!
And you call me easy...
I'll kill you dead!
Do it, then!
Kazuma might be an adventurer, but he's no criminal!
This is abuse of state power!
Adventurers deserve freedom!
Freedom! Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!
I won't stop anyone who wants to join him in prison, but...
Screw you guys! Try harder! Keep the protest going!
If I remember right, Kazuma said something like this at the time.
"It's okay. I'll take responsibility."
"I may not look it, but I apparently have good luck!"
Wait, hang on...
If I had been there at the time,
I'm sure I could've stopped Kazuma!
But since I wasn't there, there's nothing I could have done!
Nope, nothing at all!
You people...
Wait. Th-That's right.
I was the one who did it!
It was my command!
So please, let me enjoy this imprisonment play...
No, let me bear the intensity of this punishment!
Excuse me? I was told you were trying to act as a meatshield.
Wow, haven't seen that in a while.
Uh, the Teleport spell was cast by—
Don't, Wiz!
If only one of us has to take the fall here, that's for the best!
It might be hard, but suck it up!
Suck it up for now!
We'll just wait until Kazuma finishes doing his time!
Don't make it sound like I have to get sent to prison!
And besides, even if you guys don't back me up,
my friends at the Guild are by my side!
Er, um...
Oh, look at the dust...
You're coming with me!
Damn it... So much for the town where new adventurers get their start.
If this was a game,
one of those cliché resistance armies would come and rescue me...
What the?
Kazuma! Kazuma!
What are you doing here?!
I came to save you, obviously!
I'd never abandon a dear friend.
Why not defend me in the first place, then?
Megumin just used her explosion magic on the outskirts of town.
Thanks to that, the guards ran off to investigate!
Darkness should be running away with the depleted Megumin as we speak.
But won't I be making things worse by running?
I hear you can be executed for subversive activities.
You're just an adventurer whose identity is suspect.
They'll manipulate the truth, and you'll end up dead!
This parallel world really does have the cultural level of the Middle Ages...
But how do I even get out of here?
First, use that wire to pick the cell's lock.
After that, you can use your Stealth skill to escape the jail!
Then, once we get back to the mansion, we get ready to skip town!
Well, I'll be waiting out front!
It's a combination lock...
Guess I'll sleep.
Kazuma! Hey, Kazuma, wake up!
You're here again?
What happened yesterday? Is everybody okay?
The other two made it back without being spotted,
but they were accused of being behind the explosion.
We shouldn't underestimate this world's investigative ability.
But it's okay.
I forced them to wear masks today, so they won't be found out!
The problem is the explosion magic.
More importantly, I waited all night for you. Why didn't you escape?
Snow accumulated on my head,
and they kept dragging me in for questioning!
The lock uses a combination.
That's clever of them.
I never imagined they'd have such foolproof measures in place to prevent escape.
But today I've got the perfect solution!
A hacksaw?
You're gonna cut the bars with that?
Very astute of you!
We don't have much time, so let's work together.
Hurry it up!
Except I can't reach up there.
Not a problem. I'm not stupid, you know.
I brought something for you to stand on, too!
And how will you get it in here?
Hang on a second.
You've got it all wrong!
Kazuma needs this, so I was just giving him a present...
Never heard of a stepping box for a present before.
And what are you doing here at this hour?
Weren't you wandering around yesterday, too?
Guess I'll sleep.
Do you know what this is?
It's a magical item that lets us see through lies.
First off, where are you from,
and what did you do before you became an adventurer?
They started off with a hard-to-answer question.
I'm from Japan. I was a student there.
Why'd it go off?!
Where are you from, and what did you do there?
Hang on!
I wasn't really lying!
I am from Japan.
But I stayed home all day, every day, living a life of self-indulgence.
Why pretend to be a student?
I wasn't really pretending...
Oh, never mind.
Damn it, I hate this thing!
I've never heard of a place called Japan before.
So, what's your motive for becoming an adventurer?
To save the people who were being oppressed by the Devil King—
I thought being an adventurer seemed cool,
a fun way to make a lot of money,
and a great way to make pretty girls fall all over me.
O-Okay. Well, next question.
Did you have a grudge against the lord?
I've heard that once you got into debt, you complained about him regularly.
The reward I received for the dullahan hunt
took care of the debts I owed for the town's repairs.
Even if we were trying to protect it,
destroying the town in the process makes it a moot point. I understand that.
That was actually the argument I used to convince my friends.
I personally felt something like,
"This is how you treat the hero who saved this town?!
You all should die!"
I-I see. Moving on...
Uh, can I ask you something?
Can we just get to the point?
I know I'm repeating myself, but I made that call to save the town.
It seems I was wrong.
I had only heard bad rumors about you, so...
I apologize.
Oh, how nice.
I guess the harsh treatment was just for criminals...
Honestly, taking rumors at face value like that!
Makes you a bad prosecutor, doesn't it?
I-I'm sorry...
Do you know what I've accomplished?
I contributed the most to our subjugation of that dullahan!
We beat the Destroyer thanks to the amazing job I did as commander!
And instead of getting any thanks, I get accusations instead!
S-Sorry about that!
It's just that this is my job...
And I do know of your accomplishments, Satou-san.
But what, exactly?!
Also, even after I'm cleared of suspicion,
you guys still don't offer me any tea?
I'd even take a pork cutlet bowl!
P-Pork cutlet...?
I'm sorry, we don't have anything like that...
I can get you some tea right away, though!
It's lukewarm!
Don't the prosecutors here even know how to serve tea?!
I-I'm sorry!
I bet this gap between that harsh attitude and
how you are now means you don't have a boyfriend, either.
I may as well ask! Do you even have a man?
I do not.
Yes, I realize that my personality is why I don't have any male companionship,
in spite of my age.
Are you satisfied?
Please don't get too full of yourself.
I'm sorry...
Do you know what you're called around town?
"Crapuma" and "Kazutrash" and such.
Th-That's horrible! What jerks are calling me that?!
Just for the record, I should ask...
Do you truly have no connection to the Devil King's army?
No discourse with any of the Devil King's leaders or anything?
I have no such thing!
Do I—
Do I really look... like... that big a deal?
Crap! Wiz used to be a leader in the Devil King's army!
We will now begin the trial of the accused, Satou Kazuma.
You look really nervous.
It's okay. I'll counter that prosecutor's arguments until she's in tears.
Worry not, Kazuma.
You haven't done anything wrong in this case.
That's reassuring.
So reassuring... and yet...
Hey, you can probably just leave it to me!
This one's the problem.
Hey, hey, that guy seems to have his eyes glued to us.
That is the lord in question, Aldarp.
Prosecutor, step forward!
A crime that threatens someone with the station of lord
is a threat to the nation itself.
As such, the accused, Satou Kazuma, is charged with subversion of the state's power.
Witness Questioning
I guess they called me down for this.
First Testimony
So, Chris-san, he used Steal on you in a public place
and removed your underwear, correct?
Uh... Well, that's correct, but that was...
I saw it happen!
I saw him swinging around that girl's panties the street!
Which man do you mean?
I am satisfied with establishing the truth of this evidence.
Thank you very much.
Second Testimony
Mitsurugi Kyouya-san,
your magic sword was stolen and sold off by the accused, correct?
W-Well, that's true.
But I was the one who issued the challenge, so—
Thank you!
Wait a sec—
Third Testimony
And you two, when you tried to retrieve the magic sword,
he threatened to remove your underwear in public, did he not?
That's right, he threatened us!
He said he was an advocate of true gender equality,
so he had no problem with dropkicking a female opponent!
You coward!
It's true!
"I'll unleash my Steal ability right here in public," he said!
I saw it! He was doing this creepy thing with his hands...
It was really quite creepy!
Thank you very much.
What a deviant.
That's horrible.
What trash.
This is bad!
This is getting seriously bad now!
That's enough. Let's get this execution on the road.
I will admit that Kazuma has a warped personality,
but all this testimony is inadmissible as evidence!
I demand some legitimate basis for these accusations of terrorism!
Yeah! What're you basing it on?!
The basis for the case? Very well.
Even if it was to defeat a dullahan, he damaged the town with a flood.
The use of explosion magic in the vicinity of the town
has altered the landscape and ecosystem, on top of creating
disruptive noise late at night!
My defense is doomed.
And third!
An eyewitness report of the accused using a skill known only by undead, Drain Touch!
Stay quiet! Exercise your right to remain silent!
Covering your ears doesn't mean that it didn't happen!
The biggest reason to suspect you
is the fact that you claimed to have no connection the Devil King's army.
At that time, the magic lie detector went off!
Is that not sufficient evidence?
It's over, it's all over! Kazuma's a convict now!
Oh, God! What do I do?!
That's enough!
There no denying he's connected to the Devil King's army!
and now he's a criminal!
This is my chance!
He sent explosives into my mansion!
Execute him immediately!
I have no connections to the Devil King's army,
and I'm no terrorist!
What point does this serve now?
Your testimony was proven wrong, on the record!
All right, listen up!
I'm gonna say it!
do not work for the Devil King's army, nor am I a terrorist!
That can't be!
Your honor?
Given the circumstances,
the prosecution's basis for this case can no longer be seen as valid.
Therefore, the accused, Satou Kazuma,
with no sufficient basis to suspect you, I judge you innocent—
No, Judge.
Lord Aldarp?
Are you trying to embarrass me?
What the hell?! That's playing dirty!
You're nothing but an adventurer!
Stupid Middle Ages...
The defendant... is guilty.
His sentence...
is death.
That's not right!
Your honor, will you hear me out?
The Dustiness family crest!
The Dustiness family?
They're said to be the king's greatest allies! They're famous!
I knew something was up with that gal...
But I never imagined this.
And after I kept quiet about it for you...
He's a sly one.
Nothing short of this would've prevented your execution.
Would you let me handle this trial?
I am not asking for it to be canceled.
With time, I can prove this man's innocence.
I don't care how much authority the Dustiness family wields...
I would owe you for this.
That being the case, I will do anything you ask.
Yes, anything.
Th-That's right! Kazuma didn't do anything wrong!
He even gave me a coupon!
This trial's a load of crap!
Kazuma! Kazuma!
Kazuma! Kazuma! Kazuma! Kazuma!
Order! Order!
Order, please!
I'm telling you people to pipe down, damn it!
A request from none other than a daughter of the Dustiness family.
I will believe your words.
The accused, Satou Kazuma, will be given a stay of trial!
This is great, Kazuma!
I don't really get why, but you're not getting executed, and that's a good thing!
Hup! A celebratory Nature's Beauty!
It seems my wit and arguments bore fruit.
You guys gave up with hardly any resistance.
Satou Kazuma is given a stay of trial. Remains under surveillance as a suspect.
For once, I really have to be grateful.
You can't rest easy yet.
But leave Aldarp to me.
Will you be okay?
That old dude was giving you a nasty look.
Are you sure he won't demand something crazy?
S-Something crazy...
I want a refund for my concern.
No, it'll be fine.
I'll be taking my leave now.
Do not call me that!
I have two missions now.
First, to prove that I'm not a member of the Devil King's forces.
The second is to reimburse the lord for his damages.
It might not be fair, but after what Darkness did to save me, it must be done.
As of now, my adventure
enters its second chapter!
The court has ordered
that the suspect's personal assets be seized to pay back his debt!
My adventure's...
second chapter... starts now...
Suspect Kazuma's